Big Pharma calls people who practice natural medicine like I do “alternative,” “fringe,” “unconventional” — and even “snake oil salesmen.”
Because if they can’t profit from something — they denounce it and attack those who are using it.
I’ve seen it time and time again…
Snake oil was one of the most vilified alternative health products in the World. But as it turns out… snake oil is a highly beneficial remedy that has more omega-3s than wild Alaskan salmon.
It was used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat everything from arthritis and inflammation to heart disease, dementia and diabetes. And there’s a mountain of evidence to prove it.
So instead of natural remedies like snake oil, we are force-fed Big Pharma’s dangerous drugs. These so-called solutions — especially their heart drugs — have serious, life-threatening side effects that kill hundreds of thousands of people every year. In fact, they put the world’s biggest graveyards to shame.
We have natural solutions. But the FDA continues to try and keep them from you.
And these restrictions on all-natural remedies are harming your health.
Take omega-3 for example. Every day, I see firsthand in my patients how taking a “snake oil” supplement like omega-3 saves their lives.
I’ve had Alzheimer’s patients regain missing memories… Arthritis patients toss away their canes and pick up a tennis racket…
The FDA may want to keep cures like these away from you. Luckily, doctors like me refused to be silenced.
We were really wrong to call out snake oil! There’s plenty right with it! But, there is something wrong…
It doesn’t have the right kind of omega-3 in sufficient amounts.
Turns out — snake oiL has a lot of the omega-3 EPA — that makes it like fish oil.
You see, our ancient ancestors couldn’t always rely on fish for their omega-3 intake.
In fact, before the Neolithic revolution most hunter-gatherers lives far inland. Fish was not always a major part of their diet.
And yet our ancestors had high levels of DHA.
How? Well, as it turns out the omega-3 DHA is exceptionally high in red meat animals in the wild.
In the wild is important here because once we domesticated red meat animals and fed them grains… DHA levels plummeted, all omega-3s went way down, and inflammatory omega-6s skyrocketed.
So what’s the solution? It starts with knowing the truth.
The truth is, our ancient ancestors had a special preference for food sources that were the highest and the right omega-3. I mean DHA.
Research shows that many Native cultures like Australian Aborigines, Indians of North America, Eskimos, New Zealand Maoris and African tribes had near perfect teeth… strong, fat-free bodies… little or no Disease… and almost endless youth. Their bodies were perfectly matched with nutrients found in the environment.
We now know that their diets of Native foods like organ meats, butter fat, marine oils, fish, shellfish, eggs and animal tallows gave them 10 times more fat-soluble vitamins compared to what we find in our processed foods today.
The fact is, most people today are lacking these vitamins and are looking and feeling older before their time.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS
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