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Whole30 Breakfast Casserole Recipe

breakfast casserole, whole30
Image By: Heather Brown | My Life Well Loved

It’s always the easy, yet delicious dishes that families seem to work into their menu most frequently. This is especially true for breakfast, as most families are often dealing with the morning rush around. July 2020 Featured Chef Heather Brown‘s Whole30 Breakfast Casserole is the yummy answer to this problem!

“Eric and I had this whole30 breakfast casserole for the first time a few years ago at our friends’ house in Arizona when we were visiting for their wedding. This whole30 breakfast casserole recipe made such an impression that I remembered it years later! AND y’all know I’m all about EASY whole30 meals so this one fits the bill because it’s a cook once, and eat it all week situation.”

casserole, breakfast, whole30
Image By: Heather Brown | My Life Well Loved

Whole30 Breakfast Casserole

Recipe By: Heather Brown, My Life Well Loved

USWM Shopping List: Ground Beef 


  • 4 sweet potatoes, peeled, cubed and boiled or sautéed to soften them up a bit first
  • Ground beef; about 1 and ½ lbs
  • 1 large yellow onion, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large red bell pepper, chopped
  • 10 eggs
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • ½ teaspoon of sage
  • salt and pepper (to taste)
  • olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grease a glass 7×12 inch/ 3 quart Pyrex baking dish.
  3. Peel and cube the sweet potatoes.
  4. Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat in a pan.
  5. Cook the meat until no longer pink, usually about 8 minutes.
  6. Saute chopped pepper and onion in the same pan as you used to cook the meat.
  7. Season with salt and pepper and cook until ground beef is no longer pink and onions are translucent.
  8. Layer the ground beef and onion on top of the sweet potatoes in the baking dish.
  9. Put the eggs, sage, and almond milk in a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly with whisk.
  10. Pour liquid mixture on top of the ground beef and onions.
  11. Bake uncovered for 40-45 minutes

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Heather Brown

Meet Heather Brown! Hailing from Birmingham, Alabama, Heather is your go-to girl for delicious recipes, healthy tips, and lifestyle must-haves. As a mom of two boys, she knows a thing or two about creating recipes the whole family will love. You can learn more about Heather on her lifestyle blog, My Life Well Loved.