Total Transformation 2016 Retreat at Buffalo Lodge
There’s much to report in the wake of Kat James’ Total Transformation® adventure at the fantastic Buffalo Lodge, sponsored by USWM. It was a privilege to witness everyone, including myself, physically changing as Kat James taught her renowned protocol. Located just a few hours away from USWM, the picturesque setting of Buffalo Lodge was enhanced by the hospitality of hosts Amy and Mike Billings, pictured below with their robust bison herd. They’ve created an extraordinary environment we hope to visit again. The Billing’s story and mission of restoring the bison back to their ancestral roaming grounds with traditional, rotational grazing practices is inspiring. USWM will be supplementing our current bison offerings with their products in the near future.
Finding The Optimal Food Ratio For Each Individual
Throughout the week, James helped each of us establish our optimal food ratios. She also taught us how to master her leptin-conscious lifestyle and cooking techniques, which incorporates USWM’s pasture raised meat and cheese products. I was truly impressed with what I saw and experienced. My own personal transformation is a testament to this lifestyle. I learned the importance of getting more than 5 hours of sleep and have ended the energy peaks and valleys driven by my former fructose bingeing, (in addition to a shrinking belly!), and expect to enjoy ten or more added years of vigor as a result. The group photo below shows me at the beginning of the Total Transformation.
… and here’s my “after,” shot by Kat James in NYC on July 23rd, exactly 30 days later:
Successful Total Transformations
Several other Buffalo Lodge transformations are under way, including fitness trainer Shianne Lombard. Known by many from the Biggest Loser and Dr. Phil’s Wedding Weight Loss Challenge reality shows, Shianne suffered from Cushings disease which is a condition in which chronic elevated cortisol causes severe fat accumulation on the upper torso. In addition she then endured adrenal gland removal surgery. Her incredible journey from these chronic debilitating conditions to phenomenal improvements in hormonal balance, sleep patterns, mood regulation, and muscle-to-fat ratio shifts (down 18 lbs fat; up 4 lbs of muscle between July 11th and 31st), was swift. Says Shianne of the transformation, it “never happened this fast, even with intense training; it’s all nutrition and this leptin piece. I didn’t even work out during Kat’s program and went to bed full instead of starving.”