We have a vacation booked for St. Thomas three weeks from now and want to look great on the beach. I really like your Strip 18 weight training plan, but what do you recommend for cardio to lose 10 pounds of body fat fast?
~ Cheryl
Fat Burning intervals are the ticket to the fast path to body fat loss. If you play your cards right with the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan, Strip 18 Weight training and Fat Burning Interval plan you lose 10 pounds of body fat just in time. Two to three fat burning interval sessions per week are ideal for most of my clients pending their capacity to recover. Pushing too hard with volume and frequency leads to over training syndrome stubborn body fat accumulation.
Get free copies of the Fat Burning Interval Sprint Program and 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition plan by emailing A spinning bike can be used for advanced fat burning interval programs using tension changes during the session to maximize fat burning hormone release.
Rotate Interval Venues
A wide variety of venues can be used for fat burning intervals including a stationary bike, recumbent bike, stair climber elliptical, sprinting on a track, jump roping, functional exercise and more. Where there is a will, there is a way even in the dead of winter when training outside is more challenging. I even have some clients who really enjoy running in the snow on grass fields as it adds more challenge than normal circumstances.
High Energy Benefits
Intense exercise has a way of sparking the brain to feel really good. It is common for clients to tell me they start a session feeling tired due to recent stressful events and feel like a million bucks thirty minutes later when the session is done. Completing a well-designed fat burning interval session takes people closer to their goals and provides a deep feeling of accomplishment.
Get Rid Of Stubborn Body Fat With Short Sessions
Following a ten minute general warm up a Fat Burning Interval session should be no longer than twenty minutes. Some clients start with sprint sessions as short as ten minutes as they need time to build up the quality of the intervals before for volume can be added. Even short sessions of ten minutes can have a great impact on fat burning.
Holiday Party Fat Storing Mine Fields
We are entering a very dangerous time with work and personal holiday party gatherings. These events in most cases make bad food choices readily available in large quantities. Weight training or fat burning intervals an hour or two before these events lowers cravings and improve energy. As a result clients have been able to avoid the mountain of junk food so they can look great on the beach during Christmas and the New Year. The absolute worst thing you can do is put off problems until the New Year and go crazy with bad food choices for many days during the last month of the year. This approach builds fat storage momentum that takes weeks or months to defeat at the start of the New Year.
The 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse followed by the Day 22 Carb Load offers a clear path to fat loss success. Sustainably raised protein and dietary fat sources along with plenty of vegetables are staples of the proven plan. Reach for the grass fed butter and not the commercially made salad dressing! Of course you can take the time for a few holiday meals and still make great fat loss progress as achieving a proper balance is very important. Keep in mind going off track for the holiday season not only causes body fat storage, but also low energy due to poor food choices. Organically raised foods support higher energy and quality of life.
Read more of Scott’s articles here!
Email for a free copy of the Fat Burning Interval Sprint and 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Program to finish the year strong while enjoying the holidays. We can discuss your situation, challenges and goals 7 days per week.
Meet The Author: Scott Mendelson
Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. Do not start or make changes to your exercise program without consulting your doctor. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success. Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition. For more information regarding our Limited Warranty for products and services, please see our disclaimer at Copyright © Infinity Fitness INC All Rights Reserved 2018.