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  7. Pastured Egg & Liver Bowl Recipe

Pastured Egg & Liver Bowl Recipe

Liver Bowl

I’m almost embarrassed to call this a recipe. It’s so simple. But that’s the beauty of US Wellness Meat’s Beef Liverwurst sausages. It allows you to squeeze the single most nutrient-dense food you can eat into your day quickly and easily. Slice it up, and use it to mix into your salads, top your crackers, or my favorite, under a bright yellow yolky egg.


Pastured Egg & Liver Bowl Recipe Author: Stacey Hutson/Healthy Stacey

Paleo + Gluten Free

USWM Shopping List: Beef Liverwurst, Cultured Ghee



Liver Bowl

Photo Credit: Stacey Hutson/Healthy Stacey




  • 3-4 thin slices of Beef Liverwurst
  • 1 pasture-raised egg
  • 1 teaspoon Pure Indian Foods Cultured Ghee
  • Salad bowlful of Spinach
  • ½ an avocado, sliced
  • 1 stalk of celery, sliced
  • Lemon Juice, to taste
  • EVOO, to taste
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste


Directions for Pastured Egg & Liver Bowl:


  1. Turn pan on medium-high heat
  2. Add ghee to pan
  3. Crack egg over pan
  4. Let sizzle for 2 minutes
  5. Cover pan with lid and turn off heat
  6. Let sit in pan for 2-3 minutes — until the egg yolk is jiggly to the touch
  7. Toss spinach with lemon juice, EVOO, salt, and pepper
  8. Assemble salad with remaining ingredients



healthy stacey hutsonAuthor Bio: 

Stacey Hutson is the creative energy behind and USWM Featured Chef for December 2017. Stacey is a food writer, personal chef, and wellness coach with a passionate love for making healthy, nourishing foods. You’ll find a wide variety of flavors and textures in her food creations.