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If I could offer one piece of advice to all my patients and my readers, it would be to get chronic inflammation under control.
This is the single most important thing you can do to prevent premature aging…
You see, runaway inflammation is the underlying cause of today’s most damaging diseases and conditions, including:
- Alzheimer’s
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Depression
- Arthritis
- Ulcerative colitis
- Frailty
In fact, “inflamm-aging” was finally recognized by a team of international researchers as the leading cause of death worldwide.1
I’m surprised it Took them this long…
Back in 2002, in my book The Doctor’s Heart Cure, I showed compelling evidence that chronic inflammation is the number one cause of accelerated aging and the diseases related to it.
Sadly, most of the world today is inflamed – thanks to our modern diet that includes inflammatory ingredients like refined sugar, cheap vegetable oils, and processed carbohydrates.
These foods cause relentless inflammation in our bodies because we weren’t designed to eat them.
But there’s no need to worry. There are simple and fast ways you can conquer inflammation – and reclaim your good health!
Step 1. Knock out inflammation with DHA.
New research by Tufts University confirms what I’ve been saying for decades: The same nutrient that allowed humans to evolve into the people we are today is the natural solution to chronic inflammation.
I’m talking about docosahexaenoic acid – or DHA.
In a recent clinical trial, Tufts University researchers followed a group of adults with chronic inflammation. The participants were randomly assigned tO receive either a traditional fish oil or DHA supplements twice a day.
After 34 weeks, the researchers discovered:
DHA lowered the genetic expression of four types of pro-inflammatory proteins
DHA lowered white blood cell secretion of three types of pro-inflammatory proteins
DHA also reduced levels of a specific anti-inflammatory protein
To reduce the inflammation that causes premature aging, you need between 600 mg and 1,000 mg of DHA daily. It’s impossible to get what you need from our food today. So you’ll need to supplement.
But as we discussed recently, most fish oils don’t have neArly enough DHA.
I recommend getting DHA from squid. Sometimes called calamari oil, it contains more DHA than fish and squid oil combined. But be sure your oil comes from squid that live in the pure water off the South American coast.
Step 2. Lower this inflammation marker.
I’m talking about C-reactive protein —or CRP. In important recent studies, CRP has been recognized as more than just a marker of inflammation. It’s also an active cause of chronic inflammation and disease.
I’ve been testing my patients’ CRP levels for decades. I don’t use this measurement just for heart disease but for multiple chronic conditions that have inflammation at their root. It’s the best measure of inflammation out there. For years, I was one of the few doctors in America using this simple but highly sensitive test.
One of the easiest ways to quickly lower CRP is by eating more fiber. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that people who ate a fiber-rich diet were 63% less likely to have high CRP than people whoSe diets were fiber-poor.2
A simple trick for upping your fiber intake is leaving the skin on fruits and vegetables. Or sprinkle one to two teaspoons of psyllium into your soup, stew, or curry. You can also add it to a glass of water, but drink it quickly before it turns to gel.

Step 3. Severely restrict ultra-processed foods.
As I mentioned earlier, thanks to a modern diet packed with inflammatory ingredients, almost every person on the planet is inflamed. Processed foods alter the bacteria in the gut. This in turn affects your immune system and eventually triggers it in a way that leads to chronic inflammation.3
The easiest way to improve your diet is by reducing processed carbohydrates. That means avoiding products that contain refined sugars and processed grains.
Keep grains like wheat, rice, and corn, as well as breakfast cereals, cereal bars, and low-fiber or sweetened foods to a minimum. Instead, eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables, onions and garlic, berries, and other fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Carbs should never make up any more than 5% or 10% of your total calorie intake.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS
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- Furman D, et al. “Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span.” 2019. Nat Med. 25;1822–1832.
- Ma Y, et al. “Association between dietary fiber and serum C-reactive protein.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Apr; 83(4): 760–766.
- Song Z, et al. “Effects of ultra-processed foods on the microbiota-gut-brain axis: The bread-and-butter issue.” Food Res Int. 2023 May:167:112730.