If you saw her feats of strength, you might confuse her with Superwoman! Featherweight Strongwoman Maureen Quinn weighs in at just 119 pounds, but can lift more than most of us can even imagine. Below she shares her insights into the eating plan that fuels these superhuman feats. This is valuable nutritional information whether your workouts are with 10 pounds or hundreds of pounds!
“Each night I adorn my fork with selections from a feast of flavors fit for Kings and Queens. My plate may be full of slow cooked beef cheeks dressed in bone marrow, oily sablefish wrapped in bacon, or liverwurst and plantains fried in lamb tallow. Always the most flavorful, fattiest, nutrient dense animal foods to fuel my ever thriving mind and body.
Strongwoman Calorie Consumption
As a featherweight strongwoman competitor I am required to be on opposite ends of the athletic spectrum at the same time. I must lift monstrously heavy weights all while maintaining a petite body mass of under 120 lbs. To achieve this feat I implement a nutrition regimen which eliminates all excess body fat and develops strong compact muscles.
There are two absolute necessities for eliminating excess body fat in a safe and healthy manner. The first is to consume the majority of calories from grass fed animal fat. Equal parts saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid, animal fat is the most congruent macro-nutrient for efficient energy processes. It sends a trigger through your metabolic system indicating that sufficient sources of external fats are available. This allows internal fat cells to open up and burn stored triglycerides for energy.
Meal Planning For Optimum Results
The second necessity is to eat one meal a day. When the body is not absorbing food, insulin levels are low and energy must be derived from internal stores. Only after 12 hours of fasting will your body enter a state where previously inaccessible fat is burned. This is not to say that the meal must be small. I truly do feast by filling up with the most delicious foods imaginable.
This form of eating which has kept me perfectly lean and allowed me to compete at such a high level would not be possible without the help of US Wellness Meats. Nowhere else am I able to find high quality grass fed tallow and organ sausages to satisfy all my nutritional needs. I am proud to wear the emblem of an organization that carries as much passion and integrity into their meats as I do in my training.”
To learn more about Maureen Quinn and her fascinating Strongwoman journey, click here to read more of her story.