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  7. Low Calorie Intake Kills Fat Burning

Low Calorie Intake Kills Fat Burning

high calorie day, exercise, medium ball squat, young man and woman doing squats
Scott, I am so hungry with the current nutrition plan I am using to lose body fat I put on from the holidays. My energy levels are very low and I am not seeing the kind of progress I thought I would with body fat loss. What am I doing wrong? Mary in Pittsburgh

Mary, you are stuck in low calorie hell! This is a very common problem men and women run into at this time of the year as they are eager to make progress, but are not using the right strategies. In many cases they are doing more harm than good to their metabolism and hormones. Being constantly hungry with low energy indicates that the nutrition plan you are using is not well put together for your needs. Based on over combined 50 years of experience working with clients, Dr. Eric Serrano MD and I have both seen our clients earn faster fat loss progress by eating more quality food than what is recommended by the calorie counting obsessed mafia of American Media and deceptive “experts”.

Obviously we minimize carbohydrate and sugar intake during the early states of a fat loss plan for a vast majority of clients to maximize rates of fat burning. However, I do have good news. Losing body fat the right way with the systems built into the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan will allows clients to consume desserts without trans fats in the future without gaining body fat!

high calorie day

Focusing on an increased food intake one day per week from high quality food sources is absolutely critical for fat burning. Yes I tricked you with the Levain cookies and cannoli’s in this picture to capture your attention! Email for free copies of the High Calorie Day Sample Meal Plan files.

High Calorie Day Food Choices

We focus on grass fed beef and other organically raised protein sources on the high calorie day to increase calorie intake, but to also boost fat burning enzymes. Being in a caloric deficit for several days In a row stalls metabolism which is why most diets fail. The high calorie day boosts food intake over maintenance calories, but does so with food choices that cannot easily convert into stored fat.

Weight training on the High Calorie Day enhances the fat burning benefits of the nutrition protocol tremendously. A properly designed weight training program is one of the best ways to crush cravings for bad food sources according to the feedback from thousands of clients.

Surging Fat Burning Enzymes

A large influx of dietary fats from organic sources surges fat burning enzyme levels which naturally exist to burn fat and to do so quickly! Fat burning enzyme levels will remain very high for several days following the high calorie day which is highly advantageous for fat burning. Clients report feeling much better during and following the high calorie day as the body receives a big influx of nutrients which leads to better nutrition plan compliance ongoing.

High Calorie Day Frequency

We alter the frequency and configuration of the high calorie day based on many different client needs. At the initial stages of caloric cycling, one day per week of increased caloric consumption from high quality food sources is highly effective. Taking note of how you feel following the High Calorie day is very important for identifying any food sources that may not agree with an individual client relating to bloating or low energy.

Email for your free copies of the High Calorie Day sample meal plan and the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition designed to help you Outsmart up to 10 Pounds of Body Fat In Just Three weeks. Spring will be here before you know it! Are you ready for action? Improve your body composition, daily energy and quality of life with the correct nutrition and exercise strategies to fit your needs. We can discuss your challenges and suggested solutions 7 days per week.

scott mendelson

Scott Mendelson

Author of the 100% Fitness Solution eBook and Director of Infinity Fitness is a highly regarded performance nutrition and training specialist. In addition to designing customized programs for his celebrity, weekend warrior and executive clients, Scott works daily with professional athletes from the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA and NCAA. Scott has built an excellent reputation providing effective supplements, cutting-edge information and unmatched service to thousands of clients worldwide since 1999.

Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. Do not start or make changes to your exercise program without consulting your doctor. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success. Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition. For more information regarding our Limited Warranty for products and services, please see our disclaimer at Copyright © Infinity Fitness INC All Rights Reserved 2025.