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Kidney Stones (Lamb Kidney Dish) Recipe

lamb kidneys dish, kidney stones, recipe, chef, Tim Ganley
Recipe And Photo By Tim Ganley | Spartan Mind Strength

September 2020 Featured Chef Tim Ganley has a variety of offal recipes to fit your taste. With his latest recipe, Tim shares his Kidney Stones (lamb kidney dish) recipe that includes grass-fed and finished lamb kidneys.

“Who would have thought that teaching at an ayurvedic conference on a cruise ship would have inspired this dish?

Vie and I were asked to give several lectures during an ayurvedic conference that took place on a cruise ship. We decided to try all the restaurants so we purchased the specialty package that included all of them. The only restaurant we did not care to eat at, was the one that we ended up enjoying the most. Funny how life works.

When we got to the Italian restaurant I could not make up my mind whether to have the spaghetti carbonara or the gnocchis with red sauce. The chef said that since I could not make a decision I should try both. And I did.

The chef placed both dishes on one plate. As you can probably guess both dishes were delicious. But what was even better – in the middle of the plate, where both sauces combined together, is what gave me the inspiration.

After going back home, I experimented with the combinations until Vie was happy with the flavor of the sauce. The final test was to see whether this sauce would be able to make my nemesis taste good. And it did indeed.

My nemesis is kidneys. I was never able to make them taste great until now.

I usually make my own gnocchis (stones) out of sweet potatoes but for this recipe I am going to use pre-made gnocchis. If you would like to see my recipe for home-made gnocchis, just let me know!”

lamb kidneys dish, kidney stones, recipe, chef, Tim Ganley
Recipe And Photo By Tim Ganley | Spartan Mind Strength

Kidney Stones Recipe (Lamb Kidney Dish) 

Recipe By: Tim Ganley | Spartan Mind Strength

Servings: 2 Servings

USWM Shopping List: Lamb Kidneys, Sugar-Free Bacon, Pork Lard


  • One package of lamb kidneys from USWM

  • Five bacon slices from USWM

  • 1 spoonful of Pork Lard from USWM

  • 1 medium size organic onion (peeled and diced)

  • 5 cloves of organic garlic (peeled and diced)

  • 1 can of diced organic tomatoes MuirGlen

  • 1 package of Cappello’s sweet potato gnocchis

  • 2 pasture raised eggs – Okinawa style soft boiled

  • 1/4 teaspoon organic ground cumin

  • Himalayan salt to taste

  • Freshly ground organic black pepper to taste

  • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese

  • Extra virgin olive oil from our favorite Olive Oil Hunter at Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club

  • 1/4 cup of organic lemon juice 


  1. Dice the lamb kidneys into 3-4 pieces per kidney, place them in a bowl with 1/4 cup lemon juice and 2 cups water and let them soak for 1 to 2 hours. If I remember early enough, I soak them for 2 hrs. But I’ve learned that if I forget, an hour will do. 🙂
  2. Start bringing a pot of water to boil. This is where the gnocchis and the 2 eggs will eventually go.
  3. Cut up the bacon into small pieces and start cooking in a cast iron skillet on low heat.
  4. When the bacon is almost done (whatever your definition of cooked bacon is) add the diced onions and diced garlic to the pan.
  5. Cook until the onions and garlic are opaque.
  6. Drain, rinse, pat dry and place the kidneys into the cast iron skillet with a spoonful of lard.
  7. Add 1/4 teaspoon cumin on the kidneys and cook for about 3 – 5 minutes stirring occasionally.
  8. Drain the can of diced tomatoes and pour on top of the kidneys and medley.
  9. Add Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. The salt will enhance the flavor of the tomatoes.
  10. Keep stirring for another 3 – 5 minutes.
  11. At some point during all of the above the water will have started boiling. Add the gnocchis and the two eggs to the pot. Keep the water boiling.
  12. At the 3 minute mark, take the gnocchis out with a strainer, leaving the two eggs in the boiling water. Rinse and plate the gnocchis.
  13. Plate the kidneys and medley sauce.
  14. At the 6 minute mark, take the two eggs out and immediately place them in cold water. Crack, peel, cut each egg in half and place on the side of each plate. The yolks should be runny. I’ve learned that for best results, you want to bring the eggs to room temperature before placing them in the boiling water.
  15. Add salt and pepper again to taste, freshly grated Parmesan cheese and of course an adequate amount of extra virgin olive oil.
  16. Enjoy!


The Ayurvedic Point of View

“According to Ayurveda, organ meats are the real superfood since they are so nutrient dense. Kidneys in particular are full of nutrients that nourish our nervous system (Majja Vaha Srotas) and our gut lining (Ambu Vaha Srotas). They are also great for reducing inflammation and creating strong immunity (what Ayurveda calls ojas).

The soft boiled egg, bacon and lard are delicious sources of good fat that help nourish and stabilize our Vata bio-energy, the quickest of our bio-energies to go out of balance.

The onions, garlic and sweet potatoes are feeding our friendly gut bacteria.

Cooking the tomatoes, and adding a fair amount of great olive oil to them reduces the nightshade effect.”

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Tim Ganley

Tim Ganley, a former law enforcement officer and SWAT Leader/Trainer, is a lifestyle entrepreneur, outdoor adventurer, author and global teacher of Meditation, Breathwork, Spartan Fitness™, Power Yin™, and Conscious Business. He loves experimenting with disciplines that lead to physical and mental strength and endurance. Where there is Tim, there is also Vie. These two are quite the dynamic duo. You can learn more about Tim and Vie on Spartan Mind StrengthThe Paleo Ayurveda & Spartan Yoga Podcast, or their YouTube channel AskTimAndVie