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Holiday Transformation in Montana

Around this time last year, two of my employees started Kat James’ Holiday Total Transformation® Program from home and then flew to Montana only a couple months later for their eye-popping “after photos” which, as you can see from this magazine spread, tell the tale regarding the power of James’ internationally renowned leptin-resensitizing method. 

Well I’m due for a brush-up (actually it’s just amazing fun and off-the-charts, strategic food, featuring lots of USWM products) and am planning to attend her December 8-13th event, as Kalispell is one of the most festive and covid-sane areas in Montana).

I’ve mentioned before that I believe following her method has already added at least a decade to my life and changed the lives of a growing number of my employees.

Below are photos the incredible location for this event, near Glacier National Park (FCA airport). For more information check out the story linked above, or email Mention USWM for $100 off this upcoming event, until November 14th.

Hope to see you there!!

~ John Wood, US Wellness Meats managing partner and rancher.

Leptin sensitivity will change your ability to handle stress, bring back deep-wave sleep and bust anxiety (even if you get up at night), and give you an entirely different type of clear-headed energy and weightless productivity. Muscle tone and vitality increase without a change in physical activity, as hormones are balanced and testosterone is freed up. Regaining function of leptin (which had not yet been discovered when I harnessed it, unwittingly in 1990) saved my life and transformed me beyond recognition, 32 years ago. 24,000 studies later it is now undeniably the body’s “compass,” regulating every system in the body and turning white fat into self-burning brown fat (more info is linked below).

No one believes it at first, but the most incredible thing is that once you are “flipped”, ZERO willpower is needed and you feel like a weight has been lifted (even if you are thin), going forward. I call it the “freedom zone.”

December Programs are my favorite because of our “holiday rehearsal” meals that taste better than traditional versions and transition you into leptin sensitivity, which changes everything….. Your family will only marvel at your changed appearance when you get home (yes, leptin sensitivity works fast), but also the sumptuosity of this years’ holiday meals.

If you join us, you’ll be started within hours of registering and will be in on the live coaching on Nov. 18th to learn my game-changing recipes (best “transformation stuffing” ever) to impress your family and guests, and jumpstart your physical, emotional, and cognitive metamorphosis, well before I see you here.

The full details and pricing are linked below. If you have questions or to hold your spot please email us at

Hope to see you in December!

In festive anticipation,

Kat James

Kat James

Kat James

Kat James is an award-winning nutrition author, leptin pioneer, and syndicated radio host who has been called a master of self-transformation by SELF magazine, as well as the “Jane Goodall of leptin” after she overcame autoimmune, liver, and eating disorders that nearly took her life, then taught countless others her original protocol with countless doctor-verified successes.