So many people are now thinking about what goes into their bodies. It’s a more considerate approach to diet, health, and wellness. While we want to eat healthier foods, it’s also important when meal planning to make sure the children are eating nutritious foods too, especially since their little bodies are still growing and developing. They need protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and building blocks for their mind and body. Grass-fed meats are loaded with all of the good stuff that nature intended.
It’s sometimes challenging to find healthy foods for children. Making your own at home seems like a good solution if you have the time. Fortunately, this recipe doesn’t take long to prepare.
Past US Wellness Featured Chef, Aimee Wilson, shares this delicious lamb meatball recipe for the littles (and bigs alike). Aimee recently had their first child, Liam. Congrats Aimee!
From Aimee:
Since Liam has graduated from the easy to prepare and serve purees, I’ve been focused on making him simple, yet nutritious food. Aka food that I eat on a regular basis that’s safe enough for babies (without sweetener, salt, or raw ingredients). Ever since I began my AIP journey in 2016 and stumbled upon US Wellness Meats, I’ve remained loyal because of it’s mission to offer Grass Fed and clean products. Some of my favorites from USWM include the organ meat selections, soy and free range chicken, and diversified protein selections. US Wellness Meats is truly one of the few brands I trust to nourish my soon-to-be one year old kiddo.
Lamb is definitely an acquired taste to even adults, but while we’re still in the human food introduction phase, it’s been fun to test out new menu items for Liam to feed himself.
Recipe Author: Aimee Wilson | One Full Plate
USWM Shopping List: Ground Lamb, Beef Tallow (lard)
Servings: 10-12 Small meatballs

Grass-fed Lamb Meatballs for littles by Aimee Wilson | One Full Plate
1 pound of USWM Ground Lamb
1 tsp of ground cinnamon
1 tbsp of finely chopped mint
1 tbsp of finely ground oregano
1 tbsp of beef lard
1/2 tbsp of cumin
1 dash of powdered garlic
Instructions For Lamb Meatballs
- Place the ground lamb and spices into a mixing bowl; combine with hand or spoon thoroughly.
- Roll 10-12 small meatballs using hands and set aside.
- Heat up a medium sized skillet to medium high heat and place the beef lard inside to melt.
- Once melted, place the meatballs in the pan and cook completely through and browned.
- Serve! I usually make boiled or baked sweet potatoes (boiled in bone broth) and topped with coconut oil or lard on the side. Then place the meatballs on top and sprinkled with sea salt.
NOTE: When serving Liam, I roughly tear up half of a meatball for one “meal seating,” and offer chunks of the sweet potato so he can grab with his hands (no added salt).
See Aimee’s One Full Plate blog for more wonderful recipes!

About The Author:
Aimee Wilson is a food, travel, and lifestyle blogger at Her focus is on simple, delicious, recipes with clean, healthy ingredients.