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Chinese Five Spice Duck Hash Recipe

duck hash, recipe, Chinese five spice duck hash, keto
Recipe And Image By Mike Gorman

We feel lucky to have a variety of Featured Chefs on hand to provide us with some delicious recipe inspiration. October Featured Chef Mike Gorman is here to share some of his favorite “keto-fied” recipes! Check out his Chinese Five Spice Duck Hash recipe. The name alone sounds yummy and the picture has our minds set on trying this dish as soon as possible.

I am unabashedly a fan of duck in all of its forms but I certainly have a weak spot for the buttery delicious leg meat when you prep it right! This dish shines a spotlight on the legs and also includes a nod to those keto folk who miss potatoes and root vegetables. The radishes give you that hearty feeling and the seasoning with the duck marries all three of these powerhouse flavor bombs together well. And as always, what doesn’t get better with an egg on top???”

Chinese Five Spice Duck Hash

Recipe By: Mike Gorman | Gormy Goes Keto

Servings: 2

USWM Shopping list: Pasture-Raised Duck Legs Quarters, Duck Fat, Butter


  • Two US Wellness Meats pasture raised duck leg quarters (approximately 1.25lbs)
  • Salt
  • One teaspoon of Chinese 5 Spice Powder
  • One tablespoon reserved duck fat
  • Two cups of quartered red radishes
  • One quarter of a medium onion diced
  • Two pasture raised eggs
  • One tablespoon butter
  • Sliced green onion as desired


  1. Remove the duck legs from the refrigerator and salt liberally. Let rest for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Pat dry the duck legs and poke the skin with the tip of a sharp knife, do not completely pierce the fat.
  3. Place the legs into a smaller greased baking dish where they will fit snuggly. If needed you can used aluminum foil to create a tighter fit in your larger dish.
  4. Place the dish in a cold oven and turn on to 300 degrees.
  5. Roast the duck for 90 minutes til two hours, until you see the legs sitting in their rendered fat and the skin has begun to brown.
  6. Remove from over and allow to rest 15 min in the pan.
  7. Reserve the duck fat (I strain it with cheesecloth so I can use it in other dishes, don’t waste that liquid gold!).
  8. Peel off the duck skin, and remove the meat from the bones. Shred this meat.
  9. Heat the tablespoon of duck fat in a skillet over medium high heat and toss in the radishes. Stir and let them sit in the pan for 4-5 to encourage browning.
  10. Add the onion, 5 Spice powder, and a few dashes of salt, then continue sautéing for 5 minutes.
  11. Add the duck meat, toss all ingredients together in the pan and saute for a few minutes to allow the duck to warm and crispy slightly.
  12. In a separate skillet, use the butter to cook the eggs sunny side up. It takes patience to get the white cooked and keep that gorgeous runny yolk but it is worth the effort!
  13. Serve the hash with an egg on top and sprinkled with the green onion.
  14. Be sure to pop that yolk dramatically and take some great #YolkPorn pictures for Instagram!

Serving Notes
Radishes are not as carbohydrate dense as a potato so it takes some time to get them brown. I find the key is not constantly stirring them at first. Allowing them to sit in the hot pan promotes a nice color!

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Mike Gorman

October Featured Chef Mike Gorman has quite an inspirational story. To put it simply, Mike knows a thing or two about weight loss. In fact, he has lost over 300 lbs twice! Today, Mike inspires and coaches others to do the same through his Instagram @gormygoesketo and his podcast Fat Guy Forum. Check out his page and podcast to find health journey inspiration, keto recipes, and more!