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Featured Chef / October 2024

Megan Limon

Dona Certified Postpartum Doula & trained Lactation Counselor,
San Diego, California

Megan Limon is a Dona Certified Postpartum Doula and trained Lactation Counselor. She has been supporting families and particularly new mothers since 2013 focusing on holistic meal preparation, bodywork, and healing from childbirth.


Tell us about yourself:

I’m Megan Limon. I am a Dona Certified Postpartum Doula and trained Lactation Counselor in San Diego, California. I have passionately supported families for eleven years. My practice has been established since 2013. I believe in a modern approach to maternal caregiving — Mother focused support that weaves in holistic meal preparation, bodywork, belly binding and doula support. My practice is focused on an organic healing approach to supporting individuals on their maternal journey through nurturing, empowering and supporting. I create nourishing recipes on Instagram and Youtube to empower mommas as they prepare for a healing postpartum. I believe in the power of high quality nutrient dense ingredients for the health of mind and body.

How did you get involved in cooking?

In my late teens I noticed my health really decreasing daily and found there were no clear answers to what was going on. Before Instagram, I looked to food blogs as inspiration. I saw the power of organic pasture raised ingredients and I absorbed every single detail. Over the years, I have truly seen my health increase in ways I didn’t imagine possible. And, as I was on this journey to healing myself, I was creating these nourishing meals for my momma clients as their doula. I am now sharing every single recipe with my momma clients in person and with a large community on Instagram and Youtube.

Describe your cooking style:

Nourishing, Simple, Healing

How did you learn about grass-fed meats?

So many years of researching and finding what felt good with my body. As I shared this knowledge with my clients, I saw them heal as well.

What is your favorite recipe featuring grass-fed meat?

Right now I love a good healing herb bone broth with beef marrow bones and a healing pot roast with roasted heirloom potatoes.

You’re stranded on a desert island; luckily, you’re stranded with your top 5 ingredients and one must-have kitchen tool:

Raw Cheese
Heirloom Potatoes
Thai Coconuts
Ghee Roasted Chicken Thighs
My Cast Iron Skillet

Best cooking secret/tip/piece of advice you’ve learned:

Keep it simple but use high quality ingredients

What’s your favorite quote/song for culinary inspiration (if any)?

Ooooh, I think right now it is my own quote:
This is how we heal
Your healing matters
You matter🤍

Our healing really matters and it starts with nourishing foods

Anything else you want to share?

If you are on a healing journey, no matter the season you are in, I really encourage you to look at your foods. What ways can you elevate the quality while keeping things simple? We often times get so overwhelmed by too much information in terms of this being healthy and this not being healthy etc. I just focus on what I can source like healing meats from US Wellness Meats and farm produce boxes. The rest I have my peace and rely on my gut feeling. If you are planning on a healing postpartum, I hope you follow me for more healing tips to bring nourishment to your recovering body.

Your social media links (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube):


Enter To Win!

Enter to Win our October 2024 Healing Food Bundle Giveaway for a chance to win $170 bundle of delicious & nutritious grass-fed and pastured meats. Contest runs from October 1 – October 13, 2024.

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