Tell us about yourself:
I’m a mom and recipe creator who loves creating and sharing easy and healthy family friendly meals. I have a creative background in music/theater and have always been a foodie, so I love using my creative side in this way.
How did you get involved in cooking?
I remember watching the Food Network channel in high school and college and loved learning about food. My mom is a great cook and taught me a lot, and now I love to nourish my family with the meals I make.
Describe your cooking style:
I love to taste as I go vs measuring everything out when I’m cooking. I know what tastes good together and love to creatively put everything together for an easy meal. Easy and approachable is my jam, and I love to help others who aren’t as confident in the kitchen know that they don’t need to be a professional to make a healthy home-cooked meal.
How did you learn about grass-fed meats?
I listen to a lot of health/food podcasts and love to read about food studies for fun. After learning (and experiencing myself) about the benefits of grass-fed/organic meats, I have made it a priority to only buy those that have been sourced well. The animals are happier and therefore they are higher in vitamins and minerals, and it tastes better!
What is your favorite recipe featuring grass-fed meat?
My pumpkin chili is a crowd pleaser and everyone who has made it loves it!
You’re stranded on a desert island; luckily, you’re stranded with your top 5 ingredients and one must-have kitchen tool:
The top 5 ingredients I use most often (that don’t necessarily go good together in a recipe! haha) are:
Protein powder, USWM Pasture Raised Chicken, spinach, peanut butter, and blueberries
My most used kitchen tool: My blender!
Best cooking secret/tip/piece of advice you’ve learned:
Taste as you go! Certain ingredients taste different for different people, so my ¼ tsp of salt may be too salty or not salty enough for some. For a lot of recipes, the measurements are there as a guide, not a strict guideline.
What’s your favorite quote/song for culinary inspiration (if any)?
The Daniel Tiger song “We gotta try new food ’cause it might taste good”
Anything else you want to share?
I sing in a lot of my reels on my Instagram page! I love using my singing and cooking passions together.
Your social media links (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube):
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Enter to Win our April 2024 Joyful Eats Contest for a chance to win $150 bundle of delicious & nutritious grass-fed and pastured meats.
Contest runs from April 1 – April 14, 2024.
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