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Featured Chef / July 2023

Jeremy Platt

Owner / Chef, Platt Daddy BBQ
Quincy, Illinois

Jeremy Platt is the chef and co-owner of Platt Daddy BBQ in Quincy, Illinois. Jeremy started a BBQ Catering business with his wife back in 2016 which quickly grew into their first brick and mortar restaurant. Platt Daddy BBQ features traditional Texas style BBQ.


Tell us about yourself:

My name is Jeremy Platt, I am the chef and co owner with my wife of Platt Daddy BBQ in Quincy, IL. What started out as a catering company 6 years ago is now our very first brick and mortar restaurant.

How did you get involved in cooking?

I always say cooking found me. As a young child dealing with many obstacles and a busy brain that seems to never be able to shut off, I found that cooking was the outlet where I could focus and turn off everything. I like to call it tunnel vision. When I am in the kitchen, nothing else matters, its just me and the kitchen.

Describe your cooking style:

My cooking style is traditional Texas style BBQ with a modern craft twist.

How did you learn about grass-fed meats?

I am fortunate to have some of the best quality beef just a few miles from where I grew up. John Wood and his crew at Grassland Beef are wonderful people and it’s refreshing to see someone local who cares about producing a superior product.

What is your favorite recipe featuring grass-fed meat?

I am a sucker for a picanha. At Grassland Beef, they call my favorite cut a ball cap roast. Do yourself a favor and try this cut. It is so tender and juicy and I honestly prefer it over any high end cut of beef.

You’re stranded on a desert island; luckily, you’re stranded with your top 5 ingredients and one must-have kitchen tool:

Salt, Pepper, Onions, red wine vinegar and garlic. My must have tool would be a cleaver/knife.

Best cooking secret/tip/piece of advice you’ve learned:

Do not over complicate things. With BBQ it takes doing the simple things perfectly. Messing up is okay, that’s how we become better.

What’s your favorite quote/song for culinary inspiration (if any)?

“Please keep trying and keep cooking. It’s all that matters. Food is life and food is love.” Matty Matheson

Anything else you want to share?

There’s a whole new level of self respect and empowerment when you make as many sacrifices as it takes to be successful in this business. There are more levels to it than a good meal. It’s the people, the relationships and the power that food creates. The world doesn’t revolve around you or I, but I like to think it revolves around food. I’d love to build the community up more and lift eachother up and push eachother not to just be successful in our kitchens but as people. Creating a positive culture and environment is key.

Your social media links (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube):

Facebook (@PlattDaddyBBQ)

Instagram (@PlattDaddyBBQ)

Enter To Win!

Enter to win our July 2023 Grassland BBQ Giveaway for a chance to win $150 bundle of delicious & nutritious grass-fed and pastured meats.
Contest runs from July 1 – July 12, 2023.

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