We think of our prehistoric ancestors as hunters who lived hand-to-mouth… Eating what they caught that day, then going hungry when food wasn’t available.
But a brand-new discovery by researchers at Tel Aviv University proves we couldn’t have been more wrong.1
More than 420,000 years ago, our early Paleolithic ancestors were sophisticated enough to save up for a “rainy day” by cutting bones into segments, preserving them with leather, then storing them deep inside the darkest, coolest part of a cave for nine weeks or more.
Nutritious Bone Marrow In A “Can”
The leather-wrapped bones acted like a tin can to preserve the nutritious bone marrow inside. When times were bad, they pulled out a leg, cracked it open and ate…
You see, our ancestoRs knew that bone marrow has more vitamins, minerals and healthy fats than most meat.
In fact, bone marrow has four times the amount of vitamin E than muscle meat, and twice the amount of B1 and vitamin A.2 It’s also rich in vitamin B12, vitamin K2, riboflavin, iron, collagen-rich protein and healthy fat.
But the most important reason I recommend eating this primal delicacy is because it’s loaded with a protein hOrmone called adiponectin. This stem cell activator switches on your stem cells and instructs them to travel to where they are most needed.3
Stem cells are the most powerful cells in your body and can grow into any other kind of human to regenerate damaged cells, tissue and organs by producing new Specific cells. Stem cells are also key to the strength of your immune system. Millions of them are destined to become vital defender cells that determine your body’s ability to fight infection and chronic disease. They also have astonishing anti-aging properties.
You can supplement with bone marrow. I recommend at least 50 mg daily. Be sure the product you choose comes from grass-fed bovine. Or… try my super simPle roasted marrow recipe.
Roasted Buttery Bone Marrow
Roasted bone marrow is simple to prEpare. Here’s one of my favorite recipes:
- 8-10 center cut grass-fed beef bones, 3 inches long
- 1 cup coarsely chopped parsley
- 2 shallots, sliced
- 2 Tbsp. extRa virgin olive oil
- 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
- Coarse sea salt
- Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Place bones, cut side up in ovenproof skillet. Cook 20 minutes until marrow is soft.
- Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl.
- Drizzle over roasted bones. Scoop out with a small spoon and enjoy.

To Your Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS
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Sources & References
1. Tel Aviv University Newsroom.“Mmm Mmm Marrow? Study Finds Prehistoric Humans Ate Bone Marrow Like Canned Soup 400,000 Years Ago.” https://www.aftau.org/news-page-archaeology?&storyid4677=2487&ncs4677=3. Accessed on November 13, 2019.
2. Hassan A, et al. “Level of selected nutrients in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow from semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus L).” Int J Circumpolar Health. 2012; 71: 10.